Benefits of working with a PT

It’s easy to become complacent about your health and fitness, so engaging the services of a personal trainer can give you the boost you’re looking for. A personal trainer is no longer seen as such a luxury, but more of a tool to help people make long-term lifestyle choices and changes to their health and wellbeing. It’s not always as expensive as you think and the benefits can be quite astounding.
Understanding the potential benefits of a personal trainer can help you decide if the financial investment is worthwhile. Whilst different values are important for different people, you may want to think about:
·       Motivation
Ever thought in your mind that you can’t achieve something – one more rep? Finish that 5km run?
Having someone in your corner that totally believes in you, gives you the extra push you need. Some people like the Sergeant Major approach, others the more sedate “you can do it, just one more”. Whatever works for you, find a trainer that encourages and pushes you more than you would push yourself.
·       Technique
You’ve watched all those YouTube videos and think you’ve got the technique down to a T, but using poor form can cause injuries. A trainer can spot these straight away and, most importantly, tell you how to correct any mistakes. They can also adapt any exercises to your capabilities, meaning you won’t be doing things which are too advanced for your current fitness levels.
·       It’s personal
Training sessions are set for you, and no-one else. Your trainer will know you, your abilities (and limitations!), your injuries, your likes and dislikes and exactly what to say to get you pumped up for a PB.
For that hour (or two or three….) hour per week, they’re there for you and only you. They’re your support, your therapist and they have your best interests at heart when it comes to achieving your goals and targets.
·       Maximising your workout time
Knowing you have a limited time to work out, means everyone wants to get more bang for their buck. Having someone know the session before you even get into the Gym means you’re one step ahead, and them knowing how to get the most out of the time you have together is an extra Brucie bonus. A programme that is time efficient means you’ll get the most out of your workout, whether you’re with them or training alone – they can teach you that!
·       A myth-buster
“Have you heard about Janine in HR who managed to lose 3 stone in a week?”
There’s always a fad diet doing the rounds, and new wonder tablet or a workout so amazing that you’ll have a washboard stomach after doing 30 seconds of sit-ups.
So much information is out there, that sifting through it all and making sense of it all is hard work, but that’s what we love to do! We have the knowledge, education and experience to help you develop a healthier lifestyle and I love to hear about the latest ‘craze’.
·       Sport specific
If you play a sport and want to improve, a trainer can help with that. They’ll know the movement patterns, and how to strengthen these through training and how that will transfer to the playing field.
Speed, agility and quickness; strength; endurance; and plyometrics can all help improve sporting performance, no matter what sport is being played and even a recreational can get better at their sport.
·       Boredom
It’s easy to get bored with an exercise programme, having a trainer will eliminate that. A trainer can bring a new perspective to your goal and find a new challenge and a new way to get the most out of your training.
Even if you have a session once a month, or even less than that, they can introduce a new way of working – a new type of equipment, a different approach to strength training or something that you’ve never tried before.
People have a personal trainer for so many different reasons, but many people don’t realise what a personal trainer can do for them and their health and fitness.
Make sure you research your trainer well, and have an idea what you’re looking for and the budget you have.
If you want to chat through your options, get in touch.

5 R’s of intensity